Kitchen appliances/ cooking method & ingredients


廚[chyu4]房[fong2] - Kitchen

用[yung6]具[geui6]/用[yung6]品[ban2] - tools/ appliances

爐[lou4]頭[tau4] - Stove top

煮[jyu2]食[sik6]爐[lou4] - cooking stove

焗[guk6]爐[lou4] - Oven

微[mei4]波[bo1]爐[lou4] - Microwave

電[din6]飯[faan6]煲[bou1] - rice cooker

匙[chi4]羹[gang1] - sppon

叉[cha1] - fork

刀[dou1] - knife

湯[tong1]殼[hok3] - ladle

筷[faai3]子[ji2] - chopsticks

咖[ga3]啡[fe1]機[gei1] - coffee maker

水[seui2]煲[bou1] - kettle

水[seui2]喉[hau4] - water tap

升[sing1]盤[pun4] - sink

櫥[chyu4]櫃[gwai6] - kitchen cabinet

洗[sai2]潔[git3]精[jing1]- Dish detergent

砧[jam1]板[baan2] - chopping board

抽[chau1]氣[hei3]扇[sin3] - ventilation fan

抽[chau1]油[yau4]煙[yin1]機[gei1] - ventilator

廚[chyu4]房[fong2]紙[ji2] - kitchen paper towel

錫[sek3]紙[ji2] - aluminum foil

保[bou2]鮮[sin1]紙[ji2] - cling wrap

水[seui2]壺[wu2] - water bottle

海[hoi2]綿[min4]/百[baak3]潔[git3]布[bou3] - the sponge

鉸[gaau2]剪[jin2] - scissors

鑊[wok6] - wok

多[do1]士[si2]機[gei1] - toaster

砂[sa1]煲[bou1]罌[aang1]罉[chaang1] - pots and pans

攪[gaau2]拌[bun6]機[gei1] - blender

雪[syut3]櫃[gwai6] - fridge

冰[bing1]格[gaak3] - freezer

保[bou2]鮮[sin1]格[gaak3] - regular slot in fridge

鑊[wok3]鏟[chaan2] - the spatula for the wok

氣[hei3]炸[ja3]鍋[wo1] - air fryer

煮[jyu2]食[sik6] - cooking

材[choi4]料[liu6/liu2] - ingredients

方[fong1]法[faat3] - method

油[yau4/yau2] - oil

鹽[yim4] - salt

糖[tong4/tong2] - sugar

黑[haak1/hak1]胡[wu4]椒[jiu1] - black pepper

胡[wu4]椒[jiu1]粉[fan2] - white pepper powder

米[mai5] - uncooked rice

豉[si6]油[yau4] - soy sauce

魚[yu4/yu2]露[lou6] - fish sauce

蠔[hou4]油[yau4] - oyster sauce

豆[dau6]粉[fan2]/太[taai3]白[baak6]粉[fan2] - corn starch

蒜[syun3]頭[tau4] - garlic

蒜[syun3]蓉[yung4] - mince garlic

姜[geung1] - ginger

蔥[chung1] - spring onion/ green onions

乾[gon1]蔥[chung1] - shallots

洋[yeung4]蔥[chung1] - onions

芫[yun4]荽[seui1] - cilantro

煎[jin1] - pan fry

炒[chaau2] - fry

煮[jyu2] - cook

炸[ja3] - deep dry

燉[dan6] - slow simmer

炆[man1] - stew

焗[guk6] - bake

蒸[jing1] - steam

燴[wui6] - braise

釀[yeung6] - to stuff/ to ferment

爆[baau3] - Quick Fry/ stair fry

烤[haau1] - roast

熏[fan1] - smoke

拌[bun6] - mix

灼[cheuk3] - scald/ light boil

炖[dan6] - Stew (larger pot & heat at a certain temperature)

浸[jam3] - soaking method