dak1 haan4 wui5 zou6 di1 me1?


*得閒 - Free

dak1 haan4

- 冇嘢需要做 there is nothing needed be done.

mou5 je5 seoi1 jiu3 zou6

- 唔使返工嗰陣 when you don’t need to work

m4 sai2 faan1 gung1 go2 zan6

*得閒嘅時候 - Free time

dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6

- 你想做咩就做咩嘅時候。

nei5 soeng2 zou6 me1 zau6 zou6 me1 ge3 si4 hau6

- the time when you can choose whatever you want to do.


nei5 dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6 wui5 zou6 di1 me1 ne1?

What do you do in your free time?


ngo5 dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6 wui5…

I … in my free time.

Literal: I free time will ….


dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6 ngo5 wui5…

In my free time I …

Literal: Free time I will…

睇書 - read a book

tai2 syu1

做手工/做勞作/做手工勞作 - do arts and crafts

zou6 sau2 gung1/ zou6 lou4 zok3/ zou6 sau2 gung1 lou4 zok3

畫畫 - drawing/ painting

waak6 waa2

寫作/寫嘢 - write

se2 zok3/ se2 je5

玩樂器 - play musical instruments

wun6 lok6 hei3

學嘢 - learn something

hok6 je5

種花 - grow flower

zung3 faa1

種草/ 種花草/ 種下花種下草 - grow plants

zung2 cou2/ zung3 faa1 cou2/ zung3 haa6 faa1 zung3 haa6 cou2

種菜 - grow vegetables/ produce

zung2 coi3

煮嘢食 - cook

zyu2 je5 sik6

打機 - play video games

daa2 gei1

上網 - surf the internet

soeng5 mong5

玩電腦 - play on the computer

waan2 din6 nou5

玩手機 - play on the cell phone

waan2 sau2 gei1

聽音樂 - listen to the music

ting1 jam1 ngok6

睇電視 - watch TV

tai2 din6 si6

睇戲 - watch movies

tai2 hei3

做家務 - do housework

zou6 gaa1 mou6

我得閒嘅時候會同 somebody + verb phrase.

ngo5 dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6 wui5 tung4

I … with somebody in my free time.

Literal: I free time will with somebody + verb phrase.

Eg. Dummy 得閒嘅時候會同貓玩。

dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6 wui5 tung4 maau1 waan2.

Dummy plays with cats in her free time. /

When Dummy is free, she plays with the cats.


ngo5 dak1 haan4 ge3 si4 hau6 wui5...

When I am free I will...

同屋企人一齊 - be with family

tung4 uk1 kei5 jan4 jat1 cai4

同朋友去街 - go out with friends

tung4 pang4 jau5 heoi3 gaai1

同媽咪去食嘢 - eat with mother

tung4 maa1 mi4 heoi3 sik6 je5

同妹妹去睇戲 - go watch a movie with younger sister

tung4 mui4 mui6 heoi3 tai2 hei3

同細佬去戲院睇戲 - go watch a movie at the cinema with younger brother

tung4 sai3 lou2 heoi3 hei3 jyun2 tai2 hei3

同哥哥一齊做運動 - do exercise together with my older brother

tung4 go4 go1 jat1 cai4 zou6 wan6 dung6

同爹地散步- go for a walk with dad

tung4 de1 dei6 saan3 bou6

同婆婆行公園 - Go to the park with grandma (maternal side)/ old lady

tung4 po4 po1 haang4 gung1 jyun2

同男朋友行山 - go hiking with boyfriend

tung4 naam4 pang4 jau5 haang4 saan1

同女朋友踩單車 - cycling with girlfriend

tung4 neoi5 pang4 jau5 caai2 daan1 ce1

同老公遊車河 - cruise around in a vehicle with husband

tung4 lou5 gung1 jau4 ce1 ho2

同老婆行街買嘢 - go shopping with wife

tung4 lou5 po4 haang4 gaai1 maai5 je5