This episode, I am wrapping up the topic on emotion sounds. I will talk about Triple-character emotion sound: 㗎啦噃/ 㗎囉噃, 㗎啦喎, 㗎喇吓 and 㗎啦喂 Multiple-character emotion sound: 㗎啦吓嘩 and 㗎啦囉噃 We will move onto linking words. Stay tuned!
This post will be on double-character emotion sounds, 呀[a3]嘛[ma1/ma4], 嘅[ge3]喳[ja1], 嘅[ge3]啫[je1/jek1], 啦[la1]喂[wai3], 啦[la1]咩[me1] and 呢[ni1]可[ho2] as ending emotion sounds.
In this post, there is a conversation between a Cantonese speaking management officer and a Cantonese speaking resident. The resident was complained by someone regarding her garbage situation at home. I will analyze the conversation as well explaining the emotion sounds in the conversation.
This year we have leveled up and now we will begin to explore double-character emotion sounds. This post will be on 㗎喇 (Dummy PY: Ga la), 喳嘛 (Dummy PY: Ja Ma), 囉噃 (Dummy PY: Lo Bor), 囉喎 (Dummy PY: Lo Wor) and 吓嘩(Dummy PY: Ha wah) as ending emotion sounds.
This post is a continued episode about Cantonese single-character emotion sounds that end sentences, what do they mean and how to use them.
This post is a continued episode about Cantonese single-character emotion sounds that begin sentences & end sentences, what do they mean and how to use them.
In this post I will be talking about Cantonese emotion words that begin the sentences, what they mean and how to use them.
In this lesson, I will talk about different emotions. Enjoy!