Daily Casual Conversation in a taxi

in Cantonese

D: 去[heui3]邊[bin1]度[dou6]啊[a1]小[siu2]姐[je2]?

P: 唔[m4]該[goi1],我[ngo5]想[seung2]去[heui3]沙[sa1]田[tin4]。

D: 沙[sa1]田[tin4]邊[bin1]度[dou6]啊[a1]?有[yau5]冇[mou5]地[dei6]址[ji2]呀[a3]?

P: Er,沙[sa1]田[tin4]火[fo2]車[che1]站[jaam6]啦[la1]。

D: 收[sau1]到[dou2],即[jik1]刻[hak1]去[heui3]。你[nei5]個[go3]BB好[hou2]得[dak1]意[yi3]喎[wo3]!

P: 多[do1]謝[je6]晒[saai3]!佢[keui5]係[hai6]女[neui5]仔[jai2]嚟[lai4]㗎[ga3]。

D: 佢[keui5]幾[gei2]大[daai6]呀[a3]?

P: 佢[keui5]係[hai6]上[seung6]年[nin2]11月[yut6]出[cheut1]世[sai3]嘅[ge3]。

D: 哦[ngo4]!好[hou2]可[ho2]愛[oi3]呀[a3]佢[keui5]!肥[fei4]肥[fei4]白[baak6]白[baak6]!我[ngo5]個[go3]女[neui5]BB仔[jai2]嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4]又[yau6]係[hai6]好[hou2]似[chi5]你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5]咁[gam3/gam2]靚[leng3]㗎[ga3],個[go3]樣[yeung6/yeung2]又[yau6]趣[cheui3]致[ji3]!

P: 係[hai6]咩[me1]?咁[gam3/gam2]你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5]而[yi4]家[ga1]幾[gei2]大[daai6]啦[la1]?

D: 好[hou2]大[daai6]個[go3]啦[la1],而[yi4]家[ga1]已[yi5]經[ging1]青[ching1]春[cheun1]期[kei4]發[faat3]緊[gan2]育[yuk6]啦[la1]!以[yi5]前[chin4]佢[keui5]矮[ai2]矮[ai2]細[sai3]細[sai3],而[yi4]家[ga1]已[yi5]經[ging1]好[hou2]高[gou1]大[daai6]啦[la1],差[cha1]唔[m4]多[do1]同[tung4]我[ngo5]一[yat1]樣[yeung6]高[gou1]啦[la1]!

P: 係[hai6]呀[a3],啲[di1]小[siu2]朋[pang4]友[yau5]真[jan1]係[hai6]大[daai6]得[dak1]好[hou2]快[faai3]。

D: 係[hai6]嘅[ge3]冇[mou5]㗎[ga3],我[ngo5]哋[dei6]做[jou6]父[fu6]母[mou5]嘅[ge3]都[dou1]係[hai6]想[seung2]啲[di1]仔[jai2]女[neui2]健[gin6]健[gin6]康[hong1]康[hong1],自[ji6]己[gei2]大[daai6]可[ho2]以[yi5]有[yau5]能[nang4]力[lik6]獨[duk6]立[laap6]生[sang1]存[chyun4]生[sang1]活[wut6],咁[gam2]就[jau6]好[hou2]好[hou2]㗎[ga3]啦[la1]。

P: 哎[ai1]呀[a3],死[sei2]啦[la1]!我[ngo5]唔[m4]記[gei3]得[dak1]咗[jo2]帶[daai3]佢[keui5]個[go3]護[wu6]照[jiu3]添[tim1]!

D: 咩[me1]話[wa2]?點[dim2]啊[a1]? 使[sai2]唔[m4]使[sai2]我[ngo5]返[faan1]轉[jyun3]頭[tau4]啊[a1]?

P: 好[hou2]啊[a1]!唔[m4]該[goi1]晒[saai3]你[nei5]呀[a3]司[si1]機[gei1]!佢[keui5]今[gam1]日[yat6]要[yiu3]去[heui3]睇[tai2]醫[yi1]生[sang1]打[da2]針[jam1],冇[mou5]帶[daai3]證[jing3]件[gin2]唔[m4]得[dak1]㗎[ga4]。

D: 收[sau1]到[dou2],冇[mou5]問[man6]題[tai4]。

P: 係[hai6]呀[a3],因[yan1]為[wai6]冠[gun1/gun3]狀[jong6]病[beng6]毒[duk6]嘅[ge3]問[man6]題[tai4],之[ji1]前[chin4]我[ngo5]哋[dei6]去[heui3]咗[jo2]旅[leui5]行[hang4],點[dim2]知[ji1]滯[jai6]留[lau4]咗[jo2]喺[hai2]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1]。跟[gan1]住[jyu6]點[dim2]知[ji1]BB又[yau6]突[dat6]然[yin4]早[jou2]產[chaan2],所[so2]以[yi5]BB嘅[ge3]國[gwok3]籍[jik6]係[hai6]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1]。我[ngo5]哋[dei6]都[dou1]係[hai6]啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1]返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2] 㗎[ga3]咋[ja3],啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1]先[sin1]隔[gaak3]離[lei4]完[yun4]冇[mou5]幾[gei2]耐[noi6]。依[yi1]家[ga1]返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2]好[hou2]複[fuk1]雜[jaap6]呀[a3]!

D: 吓[ha5]!原[yun4]來[loi4]係[hai6]咁[gam2]呀[a3]?咁[gam3/gam2]而[yi4]家[ga1]BB攞[lo2]返[faan1]個[go3]香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3]咪[mai4]得[dak1]囉[lo1]!

P: 但[daan6]係[hai6]因[yan1]為[wai6]我[ngo5]同[tung4]我[ngo5]老[lou5]公[gung1]都[dou1]唔[m4]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2]永[wing5]久[gau2]居[geui1]民[man4]嚟[lai4]㗎[ga3] !我[ngo5]哋[dei6]兩[leung5]個[go3]都[dou1]只[ji2]係[hai6]居[geui1]民[man4],又[yau6]未[mei6]住[jyu6]夠[gau3]七[chat1]年[nin4]或[waak6]者[je2]以[yi5]上[seung6],所[so2]以[yi5]BB好[hou2]似[chi5]唔[m4]係[hai6]好[hou2]符[fu4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3]攞[lo2]香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3],因[yan1]為[wai6]佢[keui5]又[yau6]唔[m4]係[hai6]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2]出[cheut1]世[sai3]。

D: 哎[ai1]呀[a3]!咁[gam3/gam2]希[hei1]望[mong6]一[yat1]切[chai3]順[seun6]利[lei6]啦[la1],或[waak6]者[je2]你[nei5]打[da2]去[heui3]啲[di1]政[jing3]府[fu2]機[gei1]構[kau3]問[man6]吓[ha5]。好[hou2]啦[la1]到[dou3/dou2]啦[la1],$25 啦[la1]小[siu2]姐[je2]。

P: 嗱[na4],$25。 唔[m4]該[goi1]晒[saai3]司[si1]機[gei1]大[daai6]佬[lou2]!

D: 唔[m4]使[sai2]客[haak3]氣[hei3]!拜[baai1]拜[baai3]!

D: Where to, Madam?

P: please, I want to go to Shatin.

D: Where in Shatin? Do you have an address?

P: Er, Shatin train station.

D: Got it, going right now. Your baby is so cute!

P: Thank you so much! She is a girl.

D: How old is she?

P: She was born last year in November.

D: Oh! She is very cute! Chubby and pale! My daughter when she was a baby was also like your daughter, very pretty, the face was also cute!

P: Yea? So how old is your daughter now?

D: very grown up now, currently already going through growth spurts in puberty! Back then she was short and tiny, now she is already very tall and big, almost the same height as me!

P: Yea, kids do grow up so quickly.

D: Yea, nothing, we as parents just want our kids to be healthy, and have the ability to live and survive independently, that’s already good enough.

P: Oops! Oh no! I forgot to bring her passport!

D: What? So then what? Do you need me to turn around?

P: Yes, please and thank you driver! She needs to see a doctor and get her vaccine today, it won’t work if we don’t bring any ID.

D: Got it, no problem.

P: yea, because of the issues with COVID19, previously we went on a holiday, who knew we got stuck in Mexico. And Who knew the baby was coming out prematurely, so the baby’s nationality is Mexican. We also just got back to Hong Kong, just finished the isolation not too long ago, now being back in Hong Kong, it is so complicated.

D: Huh! I see? So then the baby will just need to get her Hong Kong identity card then!

P: But because my husband and I are both not Hong Kong permanent residents! We are both only residents, and also have not lived here for over 7 years, therefore our baby seems to be not quite eligible to get her Hong Kong ID card, because she wasn’t born in Hong Kong.

D: Oops! I hope everything goes well, or maybe you can call up some government agencies to ask around. Ok here we are. $25 madam.

P: Here, $25. Thank you so much Sir Driver! D: You are welcome! Bye bye!

D: 去[heui3]邊[bin1]度[dou6]啊[a1]小[siu2]姐[je2]?

P: 唔[m4]該[goi1],我[ngo5]想[seung2]去[heui3]沙[sa1]田[tin4]。

D: 沙[sa1]田[tin4]邊[bin1]度[dou6]啊[a1]?有[yau5]冇[mou5]地[dei6]址[ji2]呀[a3]?

P: Er,沙[sa1]田[tin4]火[fo2]車[che1]站[jaam6]啦[la1]。

D: Where to, Madam?

P: please, I want to go to Shatin.

D: Where in Shatin? Do you have an address?

P: Er, Shatin train station.

Usually after you hop on a cab, the first thing they ask you is 去[heui3]邊[bin1]度[dou6]啊[a1]? literally 去[heui3] go 邊[bin1]度[dou6] where? Where are we going? 小[siu2]姐[je2] is miss or madam, on the other hand 先[sin1]生[saang1] is Mr or sir. Then the passenger said, 唔[m4]該[goi1] meaning thank you or please. Then she said 我[ngo5]想[seung2]去[heui3]沙[sa1]田[tin4]。literally I want to go to Shatin. 沙[sa1]田[tin4] Shatin is an area in Hong Kong, so you can replace it with any other destination, say for example,

I want to go to Canada,



I want to go to the grocery store or supermarket,


But the driver was confused, because Shatin, 沙[sa1]田[tin4] is an area, so he asked, 沙[sa1]田[tin4]邊[bin1]度[dou6]啊[a1]?literally Shatin沙[sa1]田[tin4] 邊[bin1]度[dou6] where ah? Meaning where in shatin? Then he said 有[yau5]冇[mou5]地[dei6]址[ji2]呀[a3]?literally have or not have 地[dei6]址[ji2] address? Do you have the address? So then the passenger responded, er.. 沙[sa1]田[tin4]火[fo2]車[che1]站[jaam6]啦[la1]。literally Shatin, 沙[sa1]田[tin4], 火[fo2]車[che1] is train, 站[jaam6] means a station or a stop. So meaning Shatin train station. 沙[sa1]田[tin4]火[fo2]車[che1]站[jaam6]. And just train station is 火[fo2]車[che1]站[jaam6].

D: 收[sau1]到[dou2],即[jik1]刻[hak1]去[heui3]。你[nei5]個[go3]BB好[hou2]得[dak1]意[yi3]喎[wo3]!

P: 多[do1]謝[je6]晒[saai3]!佢[keui5]係[hai6]女[neui5]仔[jai2]嚟[lai4]㗎[ga3]。

D: 佢[keui5]幾[gei2]大[daai6]呀[a3]?

P: 佢[keui5]係[hai6]上[seung6]年[nin2]11月[yut6]號[hou6]出[cheut1]世[sai3]嘅[ge3]。

D: Got it, going right now. You baby is so cute!

P: Thank you so much! She is a girl.

D: How old is she?

P: She was born last year in November.

Then the driver said 收[sau1]到[dou2] meaning got it, got you, understood. 收[sau1]到[dou2]’s Literal meaning is received, meaning message received, i got it. Then he said 即[jik1]刻[hak1]去[heui3]。meaning literally 即[jik1]刻[hak1] immediately 去[heui3] go. Meaning going now immediately. Then the driver changed the topic and said 你[nei5]個[go3]BB好[hou2]得[dak1]意[yi3]喎[wo3]!your baby is very cute. 得[dak1]意[yi3] means cute, cute can also be said in Cantonese as 可[ho2]愛[oi3]. So now we are realizing in the scenario, there is also a baby in the cab. Passenger then said, 多[do1]謝[je6]晒[saai3] thank you so much. 佢[keui5]係[hai6]女[neui5]仔[jai2]嚟[lai4]㗎[ga3]。meaning she is a girl, fairly simple. Then the driver asked 佢[keui5]幾[gei2]大[daai6]呀[a3]?literally, he/ she how big? Meaning how old is she/he? Even not baby or kids, when someone is asking for your age, the casual way is just


Or if you want to ask very specifically, you can say

你[nei5]幾[gei2]多[do1]歲[seui3]呀[a3]? Literally you how many years old?

Also meaning how old are you? But this time you are specially asking for their age.

Then the passenger said, 佢[keui5]係[hai6]上[seung6]年[nin2]11月[yut6]出[cheut1]世[sai3]嘅[ge3]。literally he/ she was last year November born. Meaning he/ she was born last year in November. 上[seung6]年[nin2] means last year, literally up year or previous year, on the other hand next year is 下[ha6]年[nin2], literally down year or next year. 11月[yut6] is november, remember how to count months in Cantonese? If you don’t you can go back to my episode on “Dates, months, years”. 出[cheut1]世[sai3] means to be born. So now it’s March 2021, meaning the baby girl is currently around 3 to 4 months old.

D: 哦[ngo4]!好[hou2]可[ho2]愛[oi3]呀[a3]佢[keui5]!肥[fei4]肥[fei4]白[baak6]白[baak6]!我[ngo5]個[go3]女[neui5]BB仔[jai2]嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4]又[yau6]係[hai6]好[hou2]似[chi5]你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5]咁[gam3/gam2]靚[leng3]㗎[ga3],個[go3]樣[yeung6/yeung2]又[yau6]趣[cheui3]致[ji3]!

D: Oh! She is very cute! Chubby and pale! My daughter when she was a baby was also like your daughter, very pretty, the face was also cute!

Then the Driver said, 哦[ngo4]!meaning oh! As an acknowledgement. 好[hou2]可[ho2]愛[oi3]呀[a3]佢[keui5]!again just now I talked about . 得[dak1]意[yi3] means cute, 可[ho2]愛[oi3] is also cute. Or you can say it in the Hong Kong hybrid Cantonese way, Q, Q also means cute, but like the letter Q, because Hong Kongers are accustomed to the silent ending word sounds so I guess that’s the reason why the “t” sound in cute is gone. For example, 好[hou2]Q 呀[a3]! Very cute! Then he said 肥[fei4]肥[fei4]白[baak6]白[baak6]!literally fat fat white white. This sounds quite bad in English. 肥[fei4]肥[fei4]白[baak6]白[baak6]!chubby and pale is often something that people would wish for when their kids are growing up, at least the older generation. This saying primarily stems from the fear of some Chinese ethnic groups, because in modern Chinese history, there were a lot of famines as well as wars. Therefore, it is quite natural for them to want their kids to be chubby, so they won’t starve. Pale because I have explained previously I believe, the deep rooted conception in the Chinese culture and many other cultures believing that the paler someone is, the less laborious work one has or had to do, the sense of wanting to be more than mere peasants. Then he said 我[ngo5]個[go3]女[neui5]BB仔[jai2]嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4]又[yau6]係[hai6]好[hou2]似[chi5]你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5]咁[gam3/gam2]靚[leng3]㗎[ga3],literally, my daughter, as a baby, also was like your daughter, so pretty. Meaning My daughter when she was a baby was also like your daughter, very pretty, BB仔[jai2]嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4] meaning “the time as a baby”, 嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4] is often used when you are referring to a certain period of time, for example,

細[sai3]個[go3]嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4], “The time when I/ we/ you/ they were young,


返[faan1]工[gung1]嗰[go2]陣[jan6]時[si4], “The time when you go/ went to work”

好[hou2]似[chi5] means seems like or looks like or is like. 靚[leng3] is pretty or beautiful. So he is saying that his daughter when she was a baby was also like the passenger’s daughter, just as pretty.

P: 係[hai6]咩[me1]?咁[gam3/gam2]你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5]而[yi4]家[ga1]幾[gei2]大[daai6]啦[la1]?

D: 好[hou2]大[daai6]個[go3]啦[la1],而[yi4]家[ga1]已[yi5]經[ging1]青[ching1]春[cheun1]期[kei4]發[faat3]緊[gan2]育[yuk6]啦[la1]!以[yi5]前[chin4]佢[keui5]矮[ai2]矮[ai2]細[sai3]細[sai3],而[yi4]家[ga1]已[yi5]經[ging1]好[hou2]高[gou1]大[daai6]啦[la1],差[cha1]唔[m4]多[do1]同[tung4]我[ngo5]一[yat1]樣[yeung6]高[gou1]啦[la1]!

P: Yea? So how old is your daughter now?

D: very grown up now, currently already going through growth spurts in puberty! Back then she was short and tiny, now she is already very tall and big, almost the same height as me!

Passenger then said 係[hai6]咩[me1]? yea? Or oh yea? 咁[gam3/gam2]你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5]而[yi4]家[ga1]幾[gei2]大[daai6]啦[la1]?so then how old is your daughter now? This is the same question as the one earlier, 佢[keui5]幾[gei2]大[daai6]呀[a3]?literally, he/ she how big? Meaning how old is she/he? 咁[gam3/gam2] means so then, 你[nei5]個[go3]女[neui5] your daughter, 而[yi4]家[ga1] right now, 幾[gei2]大[daai6] how big? So how old is your daughter now? Driver then said, 好[hou2]大[daai6]個[go3]啦[la1],大[daai6]個[go3] means grown up. So for example, you might often hear older generation people say this to younger generations, 咁[gam3]大[daai6]個[go3]仔[jai2]啦[la1]! Meaning so grown up son! Or 咁[gam3]大[daai6]個[go3]女[neui5]啦[la1]! Meaning so grown up girl.

Next sentence the words are difficult but there are all in the vocab list. 而[yi4]家[ga1]已[yi5]經[ging1]青[ching1]春[cheun1]期[kei4]發[faat3]緊[gan2]育[yuk6]啦[la1]!meaning literally 而[yi4]家[ga1] now, 已[yi5]經[ging1] already, 青[ching1]春[cheun1]期[kei4] puberty, 發[faat3]育[yuk6] grow, growth spurt, 發[faat3]緊[gan2]育[yuk6] growing, having a growth spurt. 緊[gan2] again is the ing form, ut right after the verb, so usually between the 2 characters. so 發[faat3]育[yuk6]grow 發[faat3]緊[gan2]育[yuk6] growing. He then added, 以[yi5]前[chin4]佢[keui5]矮[ai2]矮[ai2]細[sai3]細[sai3], meaning literally 以[yi5]前[chin4] back then 佢[keui5] she/ he 矮[ai2]矮[ai2]細[sai3]細[sai3] short short small small. Again 矮[ai2]細[sai3] means short and small, 矮[ai2]矮[ai2]細[sai3]細[sai3] is just doubling the words up and becomes short short small small, no change in meaning, just like 肥[fei4]肥[fei4]白[baak6]白[baak6]!literally fat fat white white just now, came from the characters 肥[fei4] fat and 白[baak6] white. So meaning, back then she was short and tiny.

而[yi4]家[ga1]已[yi5]經[ging1]好[hou2]高[gou1]大[daai6]啦[la1], literally 而[yi4]家[ga1]now 已[yi5]經[ging1] already 好[hou2] very 高[gou1] tall 大[daai6] big. Meaning now she is already very tall and big. 差[cha1]唔[m4]多[do1]同[tung4]我[ngo5]一[yat1]樣[yeung6]高[gou1]啦[la1]!literally 差[cha1]唔[m4]多[do1]almost 同[tung4]我[ngo5] with me 一[yat1]樣[yeung6] same 高[gou1] height, meaning almost the same height as me. 差[cha1]唔[m4]多[do1] is almost or roughly or give or take; to say almost but not quite 差[cha1]啲[di1], 差[cha1]啲[di1]啲[di1], or 差[cha1]少[siu2]少[siu2].

P: 係[hai6]呀[a3],啲[di1]小[siu2]朋[pang4]友[yau5]真[jan1]係[hai6]大[daai6]得[dak1]好[hou2]快[faai3]。

D: 係[hai6]嘅[ge3]冇[mou5]㗎[ga3],我[ngo5]哋[dei6]做[jou6]父[fu6]母[mou5]嘅[ge3]都[dou1]係[hai6]想[seung2]啲[di1]仔[jai2]女[neui2]健[gin6]健[gin6]康[hong1]康[hong1],自[ji6]己[gei2]大[daai6]咗[jo2]可[ho2]以[yi5]有[yau5]能[nang4]力[lik6]獨[duk6]立[laap6]生[sang1]存[chyun4]生[sang1]活[wut6],咁[gam2]就[jau6]好[hou2]好[hou2]㗎[ga3]啦[la1]。 P: Yea, kids do grow up so quickly.

D: Yea, nothing, us as parents just want our kids to be healthy, and have the ability to live independently, that’s already good enough.

The passenger agreed, 係[hai6]呀[a3],yes, 啲[di1]小[siu2]朋[pang4]友[yau5]真[jan1]係[hai6]大[daai6]得[dak1]好[hou2]快[faai3]。the kids 啲[di1]小[siu2]朋[pang4]友[yau5] really 真[jan1]係[hai6] grow 大[daai6]得[dak1] very fast 好[hou2]快[faai3]. Meaning kids really grow very quickly. 小[siu2]朋[pang4]友[yau5] is kids. The driver also agreed, 係[hai6]嘅[ge3]冇[mou5]㗎[ga3],Yea, nothing, sounds strange in English. But these are usually filler words when agreeing with something. It’s like saying, yea, nothing else, setting up the mood for the next sentence. 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]做[jou6]父[fu6]母[mou5]嘅[ge3]都[dou1]係[hai6]想[seung2]啲[di1]仔[jai2]女[neui2]健[gin6]健[gin6]康[hong1]康[hong1], literally we do parents just want the kids healthy. 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]we 做[jou6]父[fu6]母[mou5] as parents, 都[dou1]係[hai6] also or just, 想[seung2] want, 啲[di1]仔[jai2]女[neui2] the son and daughter/ kids 健[gin6]健[gin6]康[hong1]康[hong1] healthy. Again 健[gin6]健[gin6]康[hong1]康[hong1] healthy healthy is from the term 健[gin6]康[hong1] healthy, you double it up to form 健[gin6]健[gin6]康[hong1]康[hong1] but no change in meaning.

自[ji6]己[gei2]大[daai6]咗[jo2]可[ho2]以[yi5]有[yau5]能[nang4]力[lik6]獨[duk6]立[laap6]生[sang1]存[chyun4]生[sang1]活[wut6], literally oneself after growing up can have the ability to independently survive and live. 自[ji6]己[gei2]oneself 大[daai6]咗[jo2] grew/ grown 可[ho2]以[yi5] can 有[yau5]能[nang4]力[lik6] have the ability 獨[duk6]立[laap6] independent 生[sang1]存[chyun4] to survive 生[sang1]活[wut6] to live. Meaning the kids themselves when they are grown up they can independently live and survive.

咁[gam2]就[jau6]好[hou2]好[hou2]㗎[ga3]啦[la1]。Then that’s good. Or good enough.

P: 哎[ai1]呀[a3],死[sei2]啦[la1]!我[ngo5]唔[m4]記[gei3]得[dak1]咗[jo2]帶[daai3]佢[keui5]個[go3]護[wu6]照[jiu3]添[tim1]!

D: 咩[me1]話[wa2]?點[dim2]啊[a1]? 使[sai2]唔[m4]使[sai2]我[ngo5]返[faan1]轉[jyun3]頭[tau4]啊[a1]?

P: 好[hou2]啊[a1]!唔[m4]該[goi1]晒[saai3]你[nei5]呀[a3]司[si1]機[gei1]!佢[keui5]今[gam1]日[yat6]要[yiu3]去[heui3]睇[tai2]醫[yi1]生[sang1]打[da2]針[jam1],冇[mou5]帶[daai3]證[jing3]件[gin2]唔[m4]得[dak1]㗎[ga4]。

D: 收[sau1]到[dou2],冇[mou5]問[man6]題[tai4]。

P: Oops! Oh no! I forgot to bring her passport!

D: What? So then what? Do you need me to turn around?

P: Yes, please and thank you driver! She needs to see a doctor and get her vaccine today, it won’t work if we don’t bring any ID.

D: Got it, no problem.

Suddenly the passenger exclaimed 哎[ai1]呀[a3],死[sei2]啦[la1]!Aiya! 哎[ai1]呀[a3] is an emotion sound used when you are trying to express surprise or shock, 死[sei2]啦[la1]!literally means die or dead or death, you can understand 死[sei2]啦[la1]!as oh no! Or the bad word in English meaning Doo doo, or the F word in English, not the literal meaning but the sociolinguistics meaning. She gave a reason for her exclamation, 我[ngo5]唔[m4]記[gei3]得[dak1]咗[jo2]帶[daai3]佢[keui5]個[go3]護[wu6]照[jiu3]添[tim1]!literally I forgot to bring his/her passport! 唔[m4]記[gei3]得[dak1] again means forget, 唔[m4]記[gei3]得[dak1]咗[jo2] means forgot, 咗[jo2] is the past tense indicator. 帶[daai3] to bring, 護[wu6]照[jiu3] passport, 佢[keui5]個[go3]護[wu6]照[jiu3] his or her passport.

The driver got nervous too, he said 咩[me1]話[wa2]? What? 點[dim2]啊[a1]? What to do? Or so what? 使[sai2]唔[m4]使[sai2]我[ngo5]返[faan1]轉[jyun3]頭[tau4]啊[a1]?literally need or no need me to turn around? 使[sai2]唔[m4]使[sai2]need or no need. 返[faan1]轉[jyun3]頭[tau4]turn around. The answer to this question is special. To say yes to this question, you will say 要[yiu3] but for no, you will say 唔[m4]使[sai2]. Just remember to answer questions that start with 使[sai2]唔[m4]使[sai2]need or no need, yes is 要[yiu3], no is 唔[m4]使[sai2], 唔[m4]使[sai2] just like 唔[m4]使[sai2]客[haak3]氣[hei3] no need to be polite or you are welcome. The passenger responded 好[hou2]啊[a1]!唔[m4]該[goi1]晒[saai3]你[nei5]呀[a3]司[si1]機[gei1]!Yes! Thank you so much driver! She explained herself further, 佢[keui5]今[gam1]日[yat6]要[yiu3]去[heui3]睇[tai2]醫[yi1]生[sang1]打[da2]針[jam1], literally he/she today needs to go see the doctor for the injections. 佢[keui5]今[gam1]日[yat6]he/she today 要[yiu3]去[heui3]睇[tai2]醫[yi1]生[sang1]needs to go see the doctor 打[da2]針[jam1]for the injections. She then added 冇[mou5]帶[daai3]證[jing3]件[gin2]唔[m4]得[dak1]㗎[ga4]。literally no bring Identifications not OK. 冇[mou5]帶[daai3] not bring, 證[jing3]件[gin2] ID, 唔[m4]得[dak1]not OK. Meaning it’s not okay to not bring ID. Driver then said 收[sau1]到[dou2],冇[mou5]問[man6]題[tai4]。again 收[sau1]到[dou2] meaning got it, got you, understood. 收[sau1]到[dou2]’s Literal meaning is received, meaning message received. 冇[mou5]問[man6]題[tai4] no problem.

P: 係[hai6]呀[a3],因[yan1]為[wai6]冠[gun1/gun3]狀[jong6]病[beng6]毒[duk6]嘅[ge3]問[man6]題[tai4],之[ji1]前[chin4]我[ngo5]哋[dei6]去[heui3]咗[jo2]旅[leui5]行[hang4],點[dim2]知[ji1]滯[jai6]留[lau4]咗[jo2]喺[hai2]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1]。跟[gan1]住[jyu6]點[dim2]知[ji1]BB又[yau6]突[dat6]然[yin4]早[jou2]產[chaan2],所[so2]以[yi5]BB嘅[ge3]國[gwok3]籍[jik6]係[hai6]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1]。我[ngo5]哋[dei6]都[dou1]係[hai6]啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1]返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2]㗎[ga3]咋[ja3],啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1]先[sin1]隔[gaak3]離[lei4]完[yun4]冇[mou5]幾[gei2]耐[noi6]。依[yi1]家[ga1]返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2]好[hou2]複[fuk1]雜[jaap6]呀[a3]!

P: yea, because of the issues with COVID19, previously we went on a holiday, who knew we got stuck in Mexico. And Who knew the baby was coming out prematurely, so the baby’s nationality is Mexican. We also just got back to Hong Kong, just finished the isolation not too long away, now being back in Hong Kong, it is so complicated.

Even though nobody asked, she went on, 係[hai6]呀[a3] yes, 因[yan1]為[wai6]冠[gun1/gun3]狀[jong6]病[beng6]毒[duk6]嘅[ge3]問[man6]題[tai4],literally because of Covid19’s problems, 因[yan1]為[wai6] because, 冠[gun1/gun3]狀[jong6]病[beng6]毒[duk6] coronavirus, 問[man6]題[tai4] problem, or issues. 之[ji1]前[chin4]我[ngo5]哋[dei6]去[heui3]咗[jo2]旅[leui5]行[hang4],literally before we went on a trip, or went on holiday, 之[ji1]前[chin4] before, 我[ngo5]哋[dei6] we, 去[heui3] go , 去[heui3]咗[jo2] went, 旅[leui5]行[hang4] travel or trip. 點[dim2]知[ji1]滯[jai6]留[lau4]咗[jo2]喺[hai2]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1]。literally who knew stranded in Mexico. 點[dim2]知[ji1] is like Who knew in English, usually you would use this when you are referring to something that is out of your expectations. 滯[jai6]留[lau4] means stranded in Cantonese, anyway, they meant that they were stuck in Mexico. 滯[jai6]留[lau4] is am/ is/ are stranded, 滯[jai6]留[lau4]咗[jo2] then would be was/ were stranded. 墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1] is the sound of Mexico.

Bare with me and continue to hear this tragic story that I made up, 跟[gan1]住[jyu6]點[dim2]知[ji1]BB又[yau6]突[dat6]然[yin4]早[jou2]產[chaan2],literally and then wo knew the baby also suddenly early born/ birth. 跟[gan1]住[jyu6] means and then, 點[dim2]知[ji1] who knew, BB又[yau6]突[dat6]然[yin4] baby also suddenly, 突[dat6]然[yin4] means suddenly, or another term would be 忽[fat1]然[yin4] also means suddenly. 早[jou2]產[chaan2] means a premature birth. In English we say, the mother has a premature birth, in Cantonese we say it both 媽[ma4]媽[ma1]早[jou2]產[chaan2], meaning mom has a premature birth, or BB 早[jou2]產[chaan2] the baby was born prematurely, the sentence structure has no difference when you say it both ways. So then what? She then said 所[so2]以[yi5]BB嘅[ge3]國[gwok3]籍[jik6]係[hai6]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1]。so the baby’s nationality is Mexican. 所[so2]以[yi5] is a linking word meaning so or therefore, BB嘅[ge3]國[gwok3]籍[jik6] the baby’s nationality, 係[hai6]墨[mak6]西[sai1]哥[go1] is Mexico/ Mexican. Apparently 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]都[dou1]係[hai6]啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1]返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2]㗎[ga3]咋[ja3],We also just returned to Hong Kong. 啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1] means just now, 返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2] come back to Hong Kong. And maybe she said the next line just to set the record straight that 啱[ngaam1]啱[ngaam1]先[sin1]隔[gaak3]離[lei4]完[yun4]冇[mou5]幾[gei2]耐[noi6]。just now finished isolation not too long ago. 隔[gaak3]離[lei4] means isolate/ isolation or quarantine. 冇[mou5]幾[gei2]耐[noi6] means not too long ago. Then she added 而[yi4]家[ga1]返[faan1]到[dou3]嚟[lai4]香[heung1]港[gong2]好[hou2]複[fuk1]雜[jaap6]呀[a3]!Now back in Hong Kong it’s very complicated. 複[fuk1]雜[jaap6] means complicated or convoluted.

D: 吓[ha5]!原[yun4]來[loi4]係[hai6]咁[gam2]呀[a3]?咁[gam3/gam2]而[yi4]家[ga1]BB攞[lo2]返[faan1]個[go3]香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3]咪[mai4]得[dak1]囉[lo1]!

P: 但[daan6]係[hai6]因[yan1]為[wai6]我[ngo5]同[tung4]我[ngo5]老[lou5]公[gung1]都[dou1]唔[m4]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2]永[wing5]久[gau2]居[geui1]民[man4]嚟[lai4]㗎[ga3] !我[ngo5]哋[dei6]兩[leung5]個[go3]都[dou1]只[ji2]係[hai6]居[geui1]民[man4],又[yau6]未[mei6]着[jeuk3]夠[gau3]七[chat1]年[nin4]或[waak6]者[je2]以[yi5]上[seung6],所[so2]以[yi5]BB好[hou2]似[chi5]唔[m4]係[hai6]好[hou2]符[fu4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3]攞[lo2]香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3],因[yan1]為[wai6]佢[keui5]又[yau6]唔[m4]係[hai6]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2]出[cheut1]世[sai3]。

D: Huh! I see? So then the baby will just need to get her Hong Kong identity card then!

P: But because my husband and I are both not Hong Kong permanent residents! We are both only residents, and also have not lived here for over 7 years, therefore our baby seems to be not quite eligible to get her Hong Kong ID card, because she wasn’t born in Hong Kong.

Driver then uttered 吓[ha5]!emotion sound used when you are in shock or surprise. 原[yun4]來[loi4]係[hai6]咁[gam2]呀[a3]?means I see? or Oh I see?, 原[yun4]來[loi4] means turned out or originally. So meaning literally “It was originally like that?” so meaning “Oh I see?” So then he suggested 咁[gam3/gam2]而[yi4]家[ga1]BB攞[lo2]返[faan1]個[go3]香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3]咪[mai4]得[dak1]囉[lo1]!literally so then now the baby grab back the HK Id card is okay! 攞[lo2] means to get or grab. 攞[lo2]返[faan1] means to get back, 身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3] means ID card, so 香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3] means HK ID card. You can replace Hong Kong with another place, say 英[ying1]國[gwok3]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3], British ID card.

Unfortunately, the passenger said, 但[daan6]係[hai6]因[yan1]為[wai6]我[ngo5]同[tung4]我[ngo5]老[lou5]公[gung1]都[dou1]唔[m4]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2]永[wing5]久[gau2]居[geui1]民[man4]嚟[lai4]㗎[ga3] !但[daan6]係[hai6] meaning but, again 因[yan1]為[wai6] means because, 我[ngo5]同[tung4]我[ngo5]老[lou5]公[gung1] me and my husband, 都[dou1]唔[m4]喺[hai2] also not, 永[wing5]久[gau2] means permanent, 居[geui1]民[man4] is resident, so meaning both her and her husband are not Hong Kong permanent residents.

Then she added, 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]兩[leung5]個[go3]都[dou1]只[ji2]係[hai6]居[geui1]民[man4], 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]兩[leung5]個[go3] We 2, meaning us both, 都[dou1]只[ji2]係[hai6] also only, 居[geui1]民[man4] resident. Meaning, we are both only residents. 又[yau6]未[mei6]住[jyu6]夠[gau3]七[chat1]年[nin4]或[waak6]者[je2]以[yi5]上[seung6],又[yau6] means also or again, 未[mei6] means not yet, 住[jyu6]夠[gau3]七[chat1]年[nin4] live for 7 years, 夠[gau3] means enough, so meaning not yet lived in hong kong and met the 7th year mark. 或[waak6]者[je2] means or 以[yi5]上[seung6] meaning above. So the whole sentence, also have not lived here for 7 year or more.

So then what? 所[so2]以[yi5]BB好[hou2]似[chi5]唔[m4]係[hai6]好[hou2]符[fu4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3]攞[lo2]香[heung1]港[gong2]身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3],So then the baby seems to be not quite eligible to get HK ID card. 所[so2]以[yi5] means so or therefore, 好[hou2]似[chi5] means looks like or seems like or is like. 唔[m4]係[hai6] means not, 符[fu4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3] literally means meeting the requirement, meaning eligible, 符[fu4]合[hap6] means to meet (requirement), and 資[ji1]格[gaak3] means qualifications. So for eligible, you can say 合[hap6]符[fu4]資[ji1]格[gaak3] or 符[fu4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3] or 合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3] or Qualify, for not eligible you will say 唔[m4]合[hap6]符[fu4]資[ji1]格[gaak3] or 唔[m4]符[fu4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3] or 唔[m4]合[hap6]資[ji1]格[gaak3] or 唔[m4]Qualify. 攞[lo2] means to get or to grab, again 身[san1]分[fan6]證[jing3] means ID card.

She then also stressed again 因[yan1]為[wai6]佢[keui5]又[yau6]唔[m4]係[hai6]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2]出[cheut1]世[sai3]。因[yan1]為[wai6] because, 佢[keui5]又[yau6]唔[m4]係[hai6]喺[hai2]香[heung1]港[gong2] she was also not in Hong Kong, 出[cheut1]世[sai3] to be born. Meaning because she was not born in Hong Kong as well.

D: 哎[ai1]呀[a3]!咁[gam3/gam2]希[hei1]望[mong6]一[yat1]切[chai3]順[seun6]利[lei6]啦[la1],或[waak6]者[je2]你[nei5]打[da2]去[heui3]啲[di1]政[jing3]府[fu2]機[gei1]構[kau3]問[man6]吓[ha5]。好[hou2]啦[la1]到[dou3/dou2]啦[la1],$25 啦[la1]小[siu2]姐[je2]。

P: 嗱[na4],$25。 唔[m4]該[goi1]晒[saai3]司[si1]機[gei1]大[daai6]佬[lou2]!

D: 唔[m4]使[sai2]客[haak3]氣[hei3]!拜[baai1]拜[baai3]!

D: Oops! I hope everything goes well, or maybe you can call up some government agencies to ask around. Ok we are here. $25 madam.

P: Here, $25. Thank you so much Sir Driver!

D: You are welcome! Bye bye!

The Driver uttered 哎[ai1]呀[a3]!meaning like oops. 咁[gam3/gam2]希[hei1]望[mong6]一[yat1]切[chai3]順[seun6]利[lei6]啦[la1] so then I hope everything goes well. 希[hei1]望[mong6] means to hope, or as a noun hopes or wishes. 一[yat1]切[chai3] means everything, 順[seun6]利[lei6] means smooth in achieving something. So meaning hopefully everything goes smoothly.

The driver then gave some suggestions, 或[waak6]者[je2]你[nei5]打[da2]去[heui3]啲[di1]政[jing3]府[fu2]機[gei1]構[kau3]問[man6]吓[ha5]。 or maybe you can call some government agencies to inquire. 或[waak6]者[je2] means or, 你[nei5]打[da2]去[heui3] you call to, 打[da2] literally means to hit, but for call we say in Cantonese 打[da2]電[din6]話[wa2] literally hit the phone. So to call is 打[da2] as well. 政[jing3]府[fu2] means government, 機[gei1]構[kau3] means organizations or agencies. 問[man6] means to ask or to inquire. So meaning he was suggesting her to call up some government agencies to inquire. Then Driver said 好[hou2]啦[la1]到[dou3/dou2]啦[la1],indicating they have arrived, 到[dou3/dou2] means to arrive, and it was $25 Hkd.

Then the passenger uttered 嗱[na4], 嗱[na4] is an emotion sound used at the beginning of the sentence, it functions as an utterance to grab someone’s attention. Then she gave the driver $25 dollars, and said, 唔[m4]該[goi1]晒[saai3]司[si1]機[gei1]大[daai6]佬[lou2]!thank you so much sir driver. 司[si1]機[gei1] is driver, 大[daai6]佬[lou2] is like saying older brother or man or sir or Mr. But when 大[daai6]佬[lou2] is used by itself, it is often used to complain. Say if someone said, 大[daai6]佬[lou2]呀[a3], 好[hou2]污[wu1]糟[jou1]呀[a3]!”Oh man, so dirty!” It’s almost like you are calling them older brother out of respect so then they feel like they should be the man or the person to do the job in this example, would be to clean up. 大[daai6]佬[lou2] when used by itself as a complaint, can be used on both male and female or anyone in general.

So the Driver just ended the ride by saying 唔[m4]使[sai2]客[haak3]氣[hei3]!拜[baai1]拜[baai3]!no need to be polite or you are welcome bye bye.