A: 咦[yi4/yi2]?榴[lau4]槤[lin4]!威[wai1]哥[go1]!嚟[lai4]咗[jo2]啦[la1]?恭[gung1]喜[hei2]發[faat3]財[choi4]!
B: Dummy! 新[san1]年[nin4]快[faai3]樂[lok6]!身[san1]體[tai2]健[gin6]康[hong1]!青[ching1]春[cheun1]常[seung4]駐[jyu3]!
C: Dummy, 我[ngo5]祝[juk1]你[nei5]出[cheut1]入[yap6]平[ping4]安[on1],牛[ngau4]年[nin4]大[daai6]吉[gat1]!
A: 隨[cheui4]便[bin2]坐[jo6/cho5]啊[a1]!唔[m4]好[hou2]客[haak3]氣[hei3]!
B: 嘩[wa1]!Dummy, 你[nei5]屋[uk1]企[kei2]啲[di1]佈[bou3]置[ji3]好[hou2]靚[leng3]喎[wo3]!
A: 哦[ngo4]!呢[ni1]啲[di1]揮[fai1]春[cheun1]係[hai6]樓[lau4]下[ha6]派[paai3]㗎[ga3]!你[nei5]哋[dei6]想[seung2]唔[m4]想[seung2]要[yiu3]呀[a3]?我[ngo5]有[yau5]好[hou2]多[do1],俾[bei2]啲[di1]你[nei5]哋[dei6]啦[la1]!
C: 唔[m4]好[hou2]啦[la1],多[do1]謝[je6]你[nei5]先[sin1]啦[la1]。我[ngo5]通[tung1]常[seung4]都[dou1]去[heui3]人[yan4]哋[dei6]屋[uk1]企[kei2]拜[baai3]年[nin4],好[hou2]少[siu2]有[yau5]人[yan4]去[heui3]我[ngo5]屋[uk1]企[kei2]拜[baai3]年[nin4]嘅[ge3]。
B: 咁[gam3/gam2]我[ngo5]要[yiu3]啦[la1],留[lau4]返[faan1]下[ha6]一[yat1]年[nin4]都[dou1]好[hou2]呀[a3]。
C: 但[daan6]係[hai6]啲[di1]揮[fai1]春[cheun1]可[ho2]唔[m4]可[ho2]以[yi5]下[ha6]一[yat1]年[nin4]再[joi3]用[yung6]再[joi3]貼[tip3]㗎[ga3]?會[wui5]唔[m4]會[wui5]好[hou2]唔[m4]吉[gat1]利[lei6]㗎[ga3]?
A: 有[yau5]啲[di1]人[yan4]會[wui6/wui2/wui5],有[yau5]啲[di1]人[yan4]唔[m4]會[wui5]。有[yau5]啲[di1]人[yan4]覺[gok3]得[dak1]浪[long6]費[fai3]呀[a3]嘛[ma1/ma4],咪[mai5/mai6/mi1]再[joi3]用[yung6]囉[lo1]。
B: 唔[m4]緊[gan2]要[yiu3]啦[la1],我[ngo5]都[dou1]唔[m4]迷[mai4]信[seun3]嘅[ge3]。環[waan4]保[bou2]啲[di1]呀[a3]嘛[ma1/ma4]。差[cha1]啲[di1]唔[m4]記[gei3]得[dak1]咗[jo2]!我[ngo5]帶[daai3]咗[jo2]啲[di1]年[nin4]糕[gou1],蘿[lo4]蔔[baak6]糕[gou1],芋[wu6]頭[tau2]糕[gou1]俾[bei2]你[nei5]啊[a1]!
B: 唔[m4]使[sai2]咁[gam3/gam2]客[haak3]氣[hei3]啦[la1]!呢[ni1]啲[di1]糕[gou1]點[dim2]係[hai6]我[ngo5]自[ji6]己[gei2]整[jing2]㗎[ga3]咋[ja3]!
B: 威[wai1]哥[go1],你[nei5]有[yau5]冇[mou5]帶[daai3]嘢[ye5]嚟[lai4]送[sung3]俾[bei2]人[yan4]呀[a3]?你[nei5]拜[baai3]年[nin4]兩[leung5]手[sau2]Fing Fing好[hou2]冇[mou2]禮[lai5]貌[maau6]㗎[ga3]!
C: 個[go3]盒[hap6/hap2]入[yap6]邊[bin1]呢[ni1]啲[di1]叫[giu3]咩[me1]名[meng2]啊[a1]?
C: 呢[ni1]隻[jek3]有[yau5]白[baak6]兔[tou3]仔[jai2]嘅[ge3]糖[tong4/tong2],我[ngo5]次[chi3]次[chi3]去[heui3]拜[baai3]年[nin4]都[dou1]見[gin3]到[dou2]㗎[ga3]。
B: 呢[ni1]隻[jek3]叫[giu3]白[baak6]兔[tou3]糖[tong4/tong2]呀[a3]。我[ngo5]個[go3]女[neui5]好[hou2]鍾[jung1]意[yi3]食[sik6]㗎[ga3]。
A: 攞[lo2]幾[gei2]粒[lap1]返[faan1]去[heui3]啦[la1],係[hai6]全[chyun4]盒[hap6/hap2]攞[lo2]嘢[ye5]食[sik6]叫[giu3]做[jou6]找[jaau2]銀[ngan4/ngan2]。好[hou2]好[hou2]意[yi3]頭[tau4]㗎[ga3]。
A: Oh? Durian! Brother Way! You are here already? Gung Hey Fat Choy!
B: Dummy! Happy New Year! Body healthy! Beautiful always!
C: Dummy! I wish you safety going out and coming home, Ox Year Very lucky!
A: Please sit anywhere! Don’t be polite!
B: Wow! Dummy, your home’s decorations are very pretty!
A: Oh! Those Fai Chuns were distributed downstairs! Do you both want some? I have a lot, can give you guys some!
C: No, thank you in advance. I typically go to other people’s places to visit them for Chinese New Year, rarely do people come to visit me.
B: Then I will take it, it’d be good to save it for next year.
C: But can we put these Fai Chuns up again next year? Will it be unlucky?
A: Some people do, some people don’t. Some people think that it’s wasteful, so they reuse them.
B: Never mind. I am not superstitious. Be a little more environmentally friendly. Oh I almost forgot! I brought you some Year cakes, Turnip cake and Taro cake!
A: Aiya! Why are you so polite! Here, let me give you some red pockets in return for the gifts.
B: No need to be so polite! Those cakes I just made them myself!
A: No, it’s the new year. Here, lucky lucky.
B: Brother Way, did you bring anything for her? To visit people in Chinese New Year if both of your hands are empty, it’s very impolite!
C: I am so sorry. I am really not familiar with the traditions.
A: No worries. If you don’t know, you are not guilty.
C: What are these things in this box called?
A: This is 全[chyun4]盒[hap6/hap2] the year box, the box that contains food for Chinese New year. Typically they have sugar lotus seeds, melon seeds and some candy.
C: This Candy that has a rabbit on it, I see it every time I go visit someone during Chinese New year.
B: This one is called Large rabbit creamy candy, my daughter loves them.
A: Take a couple home! Grabbing food from the 全[chyun4]盒[hap6/hap2], the box that contains food for Chinese New year is called 找[jaau2]銀[ngan4/ngan2] grabbing silver. It is a lucky thing to do!
B: So I am not going to hold back then.
C: I will also grab some.
A: So then in the Lunar New year, what’s there to do for you both?
C: Normally during Chinese New Year I would return to my hometown, but this year I cannot.
A: That’s alright. Now you have the opportunity to come to my home.
B: I am still going to visit other people for Chinese New Year later on, but tomorrow I have arranged for my friends to come to my home to play Mahjong.
A: Oh! Durian you know how to play Mahjong? Brother Way, do you know how to play?
C: I don’t know how to.
A: Ok, next time when we have four people, Durian and I will teach you how to play!
C: Great!