Cantonese Auxiliary verbs (need to/ Willing to/ dare to)


Complete the following exercise.

*Hints: If it gets difficult, the English translation is in white. Highlight the line below the Cantonese sentence to see the English translation.

*Answers are at the bottom.

1. 我係你爸爸。你_駁嘴?

(Dummy PY: Ngo Hi Nei Ba Ba. Nei ___ Bok Jeui?)

I am your father. You ___ to talk back to me?

a. 要 (Dummy PY: Yiu)

b. 肯 (Dummy PY: Heng)

c. 敢 (Dummy PY: Gum)

d. 係 (Dummy PY: Hi)

2. 只要你_學,我就會教你。

(Dummy PY: Ji Yiu Nei ___ Hawk, Ngo Jow Wui Gow Nei)

As long as you _____ to learn, I will teach you.

a. 要 (Dummy PY: Yiu)

b. 肯 (Dummy PY: Heng)

c. 敢 (Dummy PY: Gum)

d. 係 (Dummy PY: Hi)

3. 如果你_ 做,冇嘢係難得到你嘅!

(Dummy PY: Yu Guo Nei ___ Joe, Mo Yeah Hi Nan Dou Nei Ge!)

If you _____ to do it, nothing can challenge you!

a. 要 (Dummy PY: Yiu)

b. 肯 (Dummy PY: Heng)

c. 敢 (Dummy PY: Gum)

d. 係 (Dummy PY: Hi)

4. 我唔想人哋以為我係衰人,所以我唔_亂講嘢。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Um Sheung Yan Day Yee Why Ngo Hi Shui Yan, Saw Yee Ngo Um ___ lune Gong Yeah)

I don’t want other people to think that I’m a bad person, so I don’t __ to speak without thinking.

a. 要 (Dummy PY: Yiu)

b. 肯 (Dummy PY: Heng)

c. 敢 (Dummy PY: Gum)

d. 係 (Dummy PY: Hi)

5. 我哋_珍惜同屋企人一齊嘅時間,錯過咗就會後悔嫁啦。

(Dummy PY: Ngo Day ___ Jan Sick Tong Oak Kay Yan Yat Chai Ge See Gan, Chore Guo Jor Jow Wui How Fui Ga La)

We____ to cherish the time with family together, if we miss it then we will regret it.

a. 要 (Dummy PY: Yiu)

b. 肯 (Dummy PY: Heng)

c. 敢 (Dummy PY: Gum)

d. 係 (Dummy PY: Hi)

6. 你_休息,先至可以好返㗎。

(Dummy PY: Nei ___ Yao Sick, Seen Ji Wui Ho Farn Ga)

You_ to rest, in order to recover.

a. 要 (Dummy PY: Yiu)

b. 肯 (Dummy PY: Heng)

c. 敢 (Dummy PY: Gum)

d. 係 (Dummy PY: Hi)

Answer Key:

1. C 2.B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A